Here are a few of my most commonly asked questions. Please contact me if you have other questions or would like to discuss the best digital marketing opportunities for your business.
It usually takes 4-6 weeks depending on how quickly content and images are provided. Website design is a collaborative process the more you have available when we get started the quicker the build process will be.
Once the deposit is paid and we have an agreed project start date we will start with an hour face to face or online meeting to discuss your business and brand and how your website can help to support and grow your business.
Yes there are some other costs involved let’s run through what they are likely to be:
• Purchasing your domain name this is the address that people find your website at. It’s usually something like businessname.com.au. The annual cost for a URL is around $15.
• Website hosting this is where all your website information is stored, and the hosting refers to the building a site with Squarespace you are paying for the Content Management System (the building blocks) and the Website Location (hosting). Squarespace offers different hosting plans which relate to how much different functionality you need for your website. Here’s a link their hosting plans don’t stress about choosing one right now that’s something we can decide on as we’re in the process on building your site.
• All my clients receive a 20% discount on their first year of Squarespace hosting
Your logo is a key part of your business branding it need to be easily recognisable and represent your business. Sometimes it might be your brand name in a fancy font, an image that represents what you do, a combination of the two. It is important that your logo to work on your website, your social media platforms, on signage and business cards. You will be seeing it a lot so make sure it’s something that you like.
You can either use one of the many online platforms to create your own logo or use a graphic designer. I have some great graphic designers I can recommend to help you.
Sometimes when you’re in the process of building a website or doing a website rebuild or refresh it’s good to reassess whether your existing logo still represents your brand, if not take the time to update it.
Images are an essential part of any website design. We can find images in a number of different places:
• Free stock image sites, for example Unsplash or Pexels
• Purchase images form Stock images sites like iStock, Getty Images or Shutterstock (around $10 per image)
• If you want a website that really represents your brand then I recommend getting a professional photographer to work with you to help you tell the visual story of your brand.
• If you have some photos that you’ve taken yourself, (yes even ones taken on your phone) these may be able to be used depending on their quality -
If you are confident writing your own copy and know how to make your products or services sound great to clients then that’s great. If you feel you’d like someone else to help with putting a creative marketing spin to what your business is all about then I can recommend a copywriter that works with businesses in your industry.
There may be an initial drop in SEO performance when you first make the switch to Squarespace. This impact can be minimised by ensuring that the new website uses the same URLs as your existing website and if old URLs are no longer required that they are redirected to a page that contains relevant content. When building websites, I Implement best practice SEO techniques that ensure that the long term SEO impact is positive.Description text goes here
Squarespace offers inbuilt analytics that give a good basic level of analytics including
• Traffic and trends
Learn where your website traffic is coming from, what your visitors are looking for, and how they’re interacting with your content or products.• Traffic overview
View how your site visits, unique visitors, and page views trend over time. Gain valuable insight into the top traffic sources.• Activity log
See how visitors are navigating through your site.• Geography
Understand where your visitors are coming from.• Google search keywords
Learn what search keywords are leading visitors to your website.• Traffic sources
Learn where your site visits and sales are coming from and analyze which channels are most effective. Dig into specific referral links to see which press articles and posts lead to the most traffic or sales.• Site content
Use engagement stats like views, time on page, exit rate and more to quickly identify popular content.• Commerce analytics
Understand how your business is doing by tracking revenue, orders, units sold, and much more. Learn which traffic sources and products are generating the most sales. Delve into your purchase funnel to learn how you can optimize for conversion.• Sales overview
Track how key performance metrics, such as Revenue, Units Sold, Orders, Visits, Conversion Rate, Average Order Volume, and Revenue Per Visit, change over time.• Sales by product
Gain insight into your top performing products with metrics such as revenue and conversion rate.• Purchase funnel
A visual report that shows how many visits result in purchases and where customers are dropping off.• Abandoned cart
Gain insight into how many of your carts are being abandoned, recovered, and the revenue those represent.You can access all your analytics from your phone using the Squarespace analytic app
If you’re after more detailed analytics then I recommend installing Google Analytics.
Once your website is live, I fully hand it over to you to manage and update as you desire.
If you ever need ongoing support with your website down the track I’m only a phone call or email away.